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Siri Voice Commands in French 2


allumer ma lampe torchealyme ma lɑ̃p tɔɾʃturn on flashlight
éteins ma lampe torcheetɛ̃  ma lɑ̃p tɔɾʃturn off flashlight
rappelle-moi d'appeler Tara à quinze heuresɾapɛl-mwa dapəle taɾa a kɛ̃z œɾremind me to call Tara at 15:00 (3 pm)


combien de dollars représentent quarante cinq euros?kõbjɛ̃ də dɔlaɾ ɾəpɾezɑ̃t kaɾɑ̃t sɛ̃k œɾo?how many US dollars is in 45 euro?
ouvrir Musiqueuvɾiɾ myzikopen Music (app)
comment rentrer chez moi?kɔmə ɾɑ̃tɾe ʃe mwa?how do I get home?


annule çaanyl sacancel this (while in the app)
lire mes notificationsliɾ me nɔtifikasjõread my notifications
vérifier le courrielveɾifje lə kurjɛlcheck email

Star Trek: Short Treks S01E02 (Vocabulary) Star Trek: Short Treks S01E02 (Vocabulary)

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Learn French from anywhere. On this website or via the app. We have grammar notes, vocabulary, exercises, games. Just the necessary stuff.

Made by Web/Mobile App Developer Mykhailo who lives in Quebec and had to learn French from scratch.